Budget & Finance

Our Budget and Finance Director is in charge of all Fiscal operations of the Town, including developing the budget, making sure that we meet our goals, and making sure all funds are spent in an appropriate manner meeting all State, Federal, and Local requirements. We are pleased to say that our audits, performed by an independent auditing firm, have been excellent, and our budgets have been balanced.

Fund Structure

The Town of Pembroke Park follows Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) in preparing its budget and accounting for its operations. These principles require that the Town use separate accounting entities called funds to keep track of the resources used for different purposes. The Town utilizes two different types of funds: Governmental Funds and Enterprise or Proprietary Funds.

Governmental Funds are individual funds through which most governmental functions are typically financed, including the General Fund, Debt Service Fund and General Capital Projects Fund.

Enterprise Funds are used to account for ongoing activities that are similar to those often found in the private sector, including the Sewer Utility Fund and Storm Water Utility Fund.

Budget & Finance Department

The Finance Department provides internal support services to all City Departments and Offices. Finance is responsible for financial forecasting, general accounting, preparation of financial reports, overseeing Pembroke Park’s annual financial audit, and revenue and expenditure analysis.

The Finance Department supervises the City’s annual external audit and issues the City’s audited Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR).

The Budget and Finance Division also handles vendor accounts payable matters.  Contact accounts payable for vendor inquiries.

Billing Division

The Billing Division handles many of the department’s direct services to the public and businesses, including customer payment processing, alarm registrations, and local business tax receipts. The Billing Division also oversees the Town’s receivables and is under the direction of the Town’s Budget & Finance Director.